Saturday, January 12, 2008

Burma Lawyer’s Council, 1-9-08, Thai-Burma Border Trip, Winter 2007-08

By Amerita

“The situation in Burma is different than the situation in Sudan. … The outside world cannot see at all times, in all areas, what is going on in Burma.”

After apologizing profusely for being late, we entered the Burma Layer’s Council's meeting area and gasped: the tables were full of plates of all kinds of fresh tropical fruits and bottles of Fanta and water, and each seat had a packet complete with information about the organization and a schedule…which they followed religiously. As Kedenard put it in our reflection late, “When we first entered the room, I thought, 'Man we better have our stuff together!'”

The mission of the Burma Lawyer’s Council is to “contribute to the transformation of Burma where all the citizens enjoy the equal protection of law under the democratic federal constitution which will guarantee fundamentals of human rights." The council does this by "vigorously opposing all unjust and oppressive laws [and] helping restore the principle of the rule of law.” The Burma Lawyer’s Council carries out its mission through several key areas:
  1. Analysis of cases, laws, crucial events regarding Burma and the existing judicial system in Burma
  2. Legal action and campaigns
  3. Published works, constitutional campaign, working with the Global Justice Center
  4. Legal aid
  5. Documentation
  6. Project facilitation and public relations
  7. Advanced internship and training programs
  8. Peace Law Academy

The group's presentation was thoroughly organized and well-planned, touching on each key area. The council was particularly interested and enthusiastic about us helping the organization carry out its goals. So we asked; “What plan of action should we carry out or what in particular do you want us to do when we return to the U.S.?”

First the organization made sure to point out that the situation in Burma needs more attention in the UN Security Council, because unlike the situation in Sudan that has gained considerable global attention, the situation in Burma is not saturated in one particular area of the country or on what particular issues; it is several issues in several areas, and information is not easily transmitted out of the country. Second, the council highlighted the need for criminal accountability of the crimes committed by the military regime. “We must focus on criminal accountability,"the staff told us. "We focus too much on political dialogue.”

Action Steps

  • Work with the Global Justice Center ( to pressure the UN Security Council. The following link describes the council's work on this initiative:
  • Write an article detailing the situation to urge the Security Council to continue pushing forward the situation in Burma to the international community and to hold the government accountable in the International Criminal Court for their crimes against the people of Burma.

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